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Normas de Vacunación



Créditos de EC

3 *

Descripción del servicio

Al finalizar este taller los participantes podrán conocer:

1. Distinguish between the terms vaccine and immunization.

2. Know the historical context of the emergence of vaccines.

3. Recognize the importance of immunization in preventive health.

4. Recognize recommended immunization scheduling recommendations for children and adults.

5. Recognize the indications and contraindications of the most common vaccines for children and adults.

6. Recognize sources of evidence-based medicine to use as trusted guides in the United States.

Sobre el Instructor

Instructor Autorizado

Instructor Autorizado

El instructor de este curso es uno autorizado por CPTC.

Información de contacto:


P.O. Box 2710

Vega Baja, PR 00694

Oficina: (939) 366-1203 (8:00am -3:00pm/ Lun-Vi)

Celular: (787) 918-1203 (8:00am -3:00pm/ Lun-Vi)

Centro de Simulación Clínica

Proveedor #00268 del Departamento de Salud

División de Educación Continua


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